Jumat, 21 Februari 2014



This is it!
I fell in love at once I saw this free template. So cute and extraordinary design, althoug this original template was for the ice cream online shop (or cookies and cakes?). I want this for my gardening blog. It took times and work hard to do much changes to make it  blog I'm dreaming of. And yes of course, I have much difficulties to applicate this template into my own, coz I have to change the source codes (Images, CSS and HTML, a kind I didn't know at all) But at last, I could make it, with my partner helping. Thank you my dear soulmate :)

Here is the original picture of this template
source: bloggerthemes.net

This blog  is all about gardening and my onlineshop. You are very welcome to  ask me everything about gardening and I try to answer with my best.


2 komentar:

Terima kasih sudah mampir dan baca. Kalau berkenan menorehkan jejak anda di sini lewat komentar, akan membuat saya makin senang. Tandanya, isi blog ini dibaca dan diharapkan dapat membawa manfaat, sekaligus komentarnya sangat membantu untuk perbaikan isi blog ini ke depannya. Jangan kapok datang lagi :)
Salam berkebun
Bunda Berkebun - Rebellina Santy